Wednesday, September 21, 2016

'Haiku from here" - piano music by Jane Andino

Wedding bush - Ricinocarpos pinifolius - Springwood

TA DA! I musically (hear the trumpets?) announce that Jane Andino's piano composition "Haiku from Here" is launched, through Wirripang music publishers. Jane has composed beautiful piano music to two of my haiku, and one by Christopher Ash.

Boronia ledifolia - Springwood

Here are my haiku:

a path through granite
white waterfall
                         Boyd Plateau

the names of the flowers
I am a flower

Gompholobium grandiflorum - Muegamarra reserve, Kuringai

I wrote the first one on a bushwalk with the Springwood Bushwalking Club, and the second, while doing some navigation in Faulconbridge.

Eriostemon australasius at Muegamarra reserve, Kuringai.

 I am teaching haiku at the WEA in October, Sat 22nd and Sat 29th. There'll be plenty of outdoors writing - ginko in the Botanic Gardens. Contact the WEA for more details.

Photos (DL): flowers this September - my thanks to the rain for abundance.