Monday, August 21, 2017


Things that are flowering now: Hardenbergia violacea &

Bosseaia rhombifolia &

I've had a haiku accepted for publication in the next "Windfall". Appropriate title of this Australian journal for the season! My haiku is about a native bee, the stingless native bee Tetragonula carbonaria.
Acacia ulicifolia - prickly moses &

Boronia ledifolia

I can't gazump its publication - but here is a haiku for our current season in Sydney, to go with the flowers of "sprinter":

bounding across the road
don't run over it
....wind-blown magazine

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Diana,
I see that you are prone to jumping into haiku. Perhaps you would like to study the matter at length. In that case visit my collection of writings from my teacher, Mrs. Shigeko Isaacson @ typing there the keywords haiku isaacson.
Best wishes from Germany